Today marked Emre's 7mths old, trying to recall what his milestones are so far...
-flip and unflip himself.
-eheheh for milk and everything else.
-scratch at all things reachable.
-suck his fingers and toes!!
-pull his mommy's hair or whoever that carries him with hair to pull... *faint*
-smile/chuckle at people who talk to him
-"talk" to pple who are not talking to him (interupt with eheheh when person carrying him talking to other pple.)
-flower leg & revolting eyes (once out of hse, he happy and curious abt the world ard him).
- kick his legs and sulk his face and voice his protest if he dun like to be placed in stroller/car seat/carry position not comfortable.
-swallow cereal and porridge with veggies
-"hold" his own milk bottle/sippy cup.. (in a way lah..not exactly holding all by himself,keke).
- two teeth growing longer each day on his lower gum.
-swim on his tummy with legs kicking and hands flinging ard (machiam swimming on dry land)
-practice his vocals every morning, afternoon and nite.
- will "ask" mommy/daddy/grandma to sing songs before he sleep.
- sleep through the nite since 3mths? (cannot rem exactly when he started to sleep through)
-burp on his own.. * still regurgitate milk out at times*
-yawn and rub his eyes when sleepy..*smetimes scratch his own face in process*
tat's abt all ba... will add more when i recall more ba.. :)
so fast 7mths liao, still hope time will past slowly cos i dun want to see my little baby become little boy too soon.. :P
past mths' pics:
cool "hairstyle"
warm & snuggly..
couch potato.. no one watching me.. yummy yum...

see what see ah ??!!